About Linus

I'm always up for a good laugh, tasty food, long walks and quality time with friends. I love photography, reading, as well as calm piano music.

At Studio Lenzing
With Neo
Ölend Bag

Throughout the past 18 years, growing from a little toddler who painted his walls with sharpies, I still heed my curiosity to build and create.

Not sure if calling myself a minimalist matters, but the concept helps me to simplify my life and make room for what I think is essential: relationships, creation, solitude and chai latte.

To design honest and meaningful products, it is necessary to try to understand people's needs and interact with everyone eye-to-eye. It's a big task sometimes, but I try to listen and provide a safe space for everyone.

»Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.«

Bernard Meltzer

Things I do

  • Like attentiveness
  • Wear black clothes
  • Try to be proactive
  • Listen
  • Listen to Melodic House
  • Listen to sad music
  • Hug a lot
  • Spend too much money
  • Play the piano
  • Catch feelings quickly
  • Buy flowers

What I don't do

  • Like School
  • Eat chocolate ice cream
  • Collect clutter
  • Enjoy small talk
  • Drink alcohol
  • Listen to rock music
  • Reply texts in time
  • Gossip
  • Unfollow non-essential accounts


Many crucial lessons can only be found outside a classroom, so I don't believe in the status quo of our educational system. Not even learning how to learn leaves me with much regret for the 12 years spent at this institution.

During high-school, however, I compiled my first lines of code and started to work as a freelancer simultaneously, leading to helpful experiences at Appmotion or FIVE AM. It paved the way to rich partnerships and important friendships that nurture my inspiration.

This paid off in features on sites like Read.cv, Minimal Gallery, Dark Mode Design, lowwwcarbon, Godly and other digital publications. I am very grateful for it.

As of now, graduation is near and while it taught me to thoroughly plan and exectue tasks, I am looking forward to work at Studio Lenzing full-time.

If you want regular updates, see my "Now" page.

People I'd love to high-five in reality

Bucket List

This is a list of things I will (hopefully) accomplish in this lifetime.
The only rule is that I can't delete anything, just add more:

  • Travel to Norway
  • Travel to Iceland
  • Travel to Italy
  • Travel to London
  • Travel to New York
  • See Northern Lights
  • Publish a book (of any kind)
  • Publish a magazine
  • Speak at a conference
  • Hike the Camino de Santiago
  • Spend some nights at Kofi Studio
  • Start therapy
  • Live one month without a phone
  • Get a tattoo
  • Release a song
  • Jam with Ólafur Arnalds
  • Create my own typeface

©2023 Linus Rogge

Let's envision a better future together by building solutions that positively impact the way we live and leave a better earth for future generations.
Get in touch

